Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

One of the natural attractions that are identical to the city of Bandung is Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The origin of this mountain is narrated in the famous folk legend is the story Sangkuriang. This mountain has three well-known crater. Looking at the crater of the mountain and enjoy the atmosphere around it is able to attract many visitors, especially on holidays.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu or also often called Tangkuban Parahu is one of the largest mountain on the plains of Parahyangan. Natural Park of Mount Tangkuban Perahu was in the northern town of Lembang, north of the city of Bandung. Cool air, the spread of tea gardens, valleys and tall pine trees to accompany your journey to the gate area Tangkuban Perahu . To enter the area Tangkuban Perahu , you had to pay Rp 13,000, - per person plus a ticket to the vehicle.

There are two road craters that exist in these mountains. The first path or the long road to road conditions are more difficult to pass and will normally be closed after rain or when deemed dangerous to pass. The guard booth will give clues to past the new road which lies further to the top if the road is closed. Before the ticket payment at the first street, there are cottages for rent for a place to stay.

Past the new road, paved road provides access to your vehicle. On the winding road that flowers are trumpet and other trees that will soothe your trip. In mountain areas there are three craters Tangkuban Perahu of interest to visit. Domas Crater is a crater, and crater Ratu Crater Upas. The largest crater between the third and most visited is the crater of the Queen. With a few hours walk away, you can even around the vast crater of the Queen while enjoying the beautiful panorama of Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Ratu Crater

If you come by bus, car parking available bus before reaching the crater of the Queen. The journey continues with ELF car that will take you to Crater Queen. But, if you use a private vehicle, you can continue to use it up to the crater Queen. Vehicle parking is available across the crater, so without going through difficult terrain and spend a lot of energy, you can see this crater. This might also be one reason, most visitors in this crater.

Queen of the crater directly visible from the top with a wooden fence barrier to prevent the visitors fell. Seeing inside the crater, the crater walls and the smoke that was still out of the crater it creates a thrilling sight. Queen of the land around the crater mostly white with some yellow brimstone. Rocks and the atmosphere is dry and arid felt in this crater. You can try to climb to higher ground if you want to see the Queen Crater region as a whole.

In this place a lot of simple shops that sell various souvenirs such as scarves, hats skullcaps, bags and fur hats, various ornaments of wood and various other accessories. There are also sellers of food and warm drinks such as noodles, and other bandrek. You can also ride a horse to round some of these craters. This activity is usually preferred kids.

Upas crater

Upas Crater Crater is located next to the Queen. But, to be able to see this crater must go through dangerous terrain, you must pass through the sandy roads to reach the crater. Thus, it is rare visitors who come to see this crater. Different forms Upas crater Ratu Crater. Upas crater is more shallow and flat.

Legend Tangkuban Perahu

Perahu core legend was a young man named Sangkuriang wanted to marry a woman named Dayang Sumbi beautiful. They fell in love. But, after finding a scar on his head Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang know it is his son. Sangkuriang first to go because he felt annoyed with her ​​mother's anger. Dayang Sumbi angry because Sangkuriang kill their beloved dog when it fails to hunt deer for his mother.

Knowing Sangkuriang was his son, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang not want to marry. Thus, to reject the proposal Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi besarta asked for a lake boat in 1 night. Sangkuriang who ask for help from the magic genie to fulfill the desire Sumbi Dayang.

Seeing Sangkuriang almost completed its work, Dayang Sumbi intend to blow it. Thanks to his prayer, the chickens crowing. Jin-jin who helped Sangkuriang running scared because he thought it was morning. As a result of work makes the boat and the lake is not finished. Sangkuriang are livid that failed to complete the job kicking a homemade boat. This boat then fell on his face and there was Mount Tangkuban Perahu. When viewed from the city of Bandung, this mountain resembles an inverted boat.

The beauty of the crater of Mount Tangkuban
Perahu and a few spots around it is also one place for the bride and groom to do outdoor photos prewedding. The beauty of the craters of Mount Tangkuban Perahu can be one of the destinations if you're visiting the city of Bandung. You can take the kids to melihan this natural beauty.

Hot Springs Ciater

Hot springs are in several places, but the hot water in Ciater this feels different from the others because in addition arranged neatly also equipped with various facilities. Charm is the main attraction of this area is believed to contain sulfur which can cure many diseases. Based on experience, many visitors who come and soak in hot tubs the healing of various diseases such as paralysis, rheumatism, neurological disorders, bone and skin diseases.

This is because the source water contains sulfur, which is based on laboratory tests is an important element for the treatment of various diseases if done regularly. Also, results of analysis proved balneology, mineral hot springs that exist containing Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Sulfate, Thermo, Minerals, Hyperthe
rma with high levels of aluminum (38.5 equiv per cent) and high acidity of pH 2.45. The water after the river along the 2000 m to cool and used by residents for the purpose of irrigating rice fields. It is said that water can enhance the quality of the harvest from the use of plain water.

In addition to any other bathhouse facilities available quite complete, there is a playground for children, horse riding and wagon, souvenir shop, a golf driving range, fishing pond and there are also attractions of the weekend program: sheep agile, traditional dance performances sisingaan typical Subang District on the open stage, the stage dangdut, clowns and others. When asked to one of the staff there about the completeness of a very complete facilities have been answered, "this place has been promoted internationally, so that all facilities must be prepared even international level,". Indeed, when we visit there seen a lot of foreign tourists who go there, especially the tourists are visiting when the weekday, when the weekend is usually more domestic tourists

After the tour, we marched to the baths where bathing site is divided into several areas. Open areas are all people who have to pay entrance ticket does not cost more, but this open area to be passing people and the place was rocky so it is less so comfortable for relaxing. The second location is the location of an open pool with thermal water containing the sulfur. To get to this location each person will be charged Rp 15,000. By paying the money into it we could be more convenient for bathing as well as provided room for a rinse after bathing him the water containing sulfur. The third area is the VIP room where the hot water pools are divided into rooms closed and we could be free to bathe in it. To get into the VIP room, we charged a fee of Rp 20.000 including a soft drink - tea bottle, towel, shampoo and soap. We are most comfortable bath in these VIP rooms, relaxing bath in addition we can also really get to enjoy the fresh bath with hot water from nature without being distracted by others. VIP Room is in addition to existing hot water, also equipped with cold water from the faucet is already available as a rinse bath when we're satisfied. Temperature of hot water that ranged from the source (Mount Tangkuban Perahu) ranged between 44 degrees Celsius, but once flowed into the pool and into the bathrooms didalm hotels dropped to 37-40 degrees Celsius.

White Crater Ciwidey

If you're visiting the city of Bandung, try to stop by to Ciwidey. Here we will find the interesting sights of the White crater. There are many things that we can get, for example in Ciwidey numerous strawberry fields. In fact, we can pick your own strawberries we want to buy. On the way to the crater, we will pass the object of interest such as an old railway, the yellowing rice fields, tea gardens and pine forests. Appropriate place for us to visit.

The crater is located in Patuha white, a mountain located in West Java. The height of this mountain is 2386 meters. The crater of Mount Patuha this is used as an interesting tourist attraction under the name White crater.

After parking the vehicle, we had to descend the stairs
in order to be closer to the crater of this mountain. Our hearts will instantly amazed to see the whole of this place from the stairs above. At this resort, we can indeed be closely located in the crater of the mountain we can even touch the water.

When we go down, was incredible sights we will see in this crater. White land consisting of sulfur is the reason why it is called White crater crater. It's a unique taste to see this white ground. The surface soil also does not mean that resemble humps the ground. Crater of a greenish water which also attracted attention. All around, there are some mountains is dry but there also are still covered with green trees.

We can be a bit up the mo
untain that surrounds it. In this mountain we will find the dry trees and many branches of the trees that fell with small stones. We can also see the crater from above.

Here is quite wide crater. Water color can vary depending on the sunlight. Smoke from sulfur water sometimes occur thus blocking our view. The water also cause the smell of sulfur. When the wind is blowing, the smell of sulfur can pierce our noses and made us cough. Thus, there are several points on this crater is fitted with a warning not to get too close to avoid the fumes of sulfur poisoning.

This crater will give us a different experience. We seem to be in the snow because the ground is white. Wide crater and turquoise-colored water that make us as if were on the beach. The trees are mostly just stayed dry the stems and have helped create a different atmosphere. Here also there are large rocks that beautiful. The beauty is what makes this place became a favorite place for prospective brides to do the photo prewedding.

Bogor Botanical Gardens

Region with an area of ​​87 hectares has been established since 1817 on the initiative of Sir Stamford Raffles, a British national who served as governor of Java. The trees in this area hundreds of years old. So not surprisingly, the trees here have a big trunk and reach tens of meters. On each tree, affixed label containing the name of the tree and when trees began to be planted. Thus, in addition to travel, we can also know the trees that we may not know before.

The number of trees in the B
otanical Gardens this makes the air cool and rich in oxygen. There are over 17,000 species including rare species of orchids. The trees that are here not only bersal of the country but many of them coming from abroad. Its always interesting to watch is when the development of carrion flower (Rafflesia Arnoldi). This flower is unique because of its huge size and when flowering will issue a stench so named corpse flower.

Here we can see the calm green area that we rarely encounter in the big cities. The sound of birds singing can also listen to us. To add to her beauty, there is also a swimming-pool with water fountains, so that we can hear the gurgling sound of water. For those of you who bring the kids, this place is perfect because there are m
any large parks so that your son or daughter can freely play. For example park near the lotus pond is a favorite place for families to play with their children. There is also a path that resembles a long corridor with large trees on the left and right. The chairs are among the tree into a comfortable place after walking around the area in.

Museum of Zoology
There is also a Museum of Zoo
logy containing replicas of animals that exist in Indonesia. At the front of this museum you will see an artificial skeleton of a whale that had stranded in Indonesia with an unusually large size. Animals that are here are the animals were preserved. ranging from insects, reptiles, birds, worms, up to mammals. Everything you can see in actual size. For example, a large bull, rhinoceros, tigers, orangutans, etc.. Everything is made against a background of their natural habitat. This museum can help to introduce the kinds of animals in your child.

For the trip to this place, you will not be difficult to find. Due to the Botanical Gardens is located in the middle of the bustling city of Bogor. Or if you are from Jakarta and lazy cloning vehicles, you can try to ride the train. There are many options when you want to train to the city of Bogor, ranging from economy to train an express train. You do not have to wait long at the station of the city, because the train to Bogor there once every half hour

Baluran, the African of Indonesia

Baluran National Park is representative of specific dry forest ecosystem in Java, consists of savanna vegetation types, mangrove forest, monsoon forest, beach forest, lower montane forests, swamp forest and evergreen forest throughout the year. About 40 percent of savanna vegetation types dominate the area of National Parks Baluran.

Plants in this national park as many as 444 species, including native plants are unique and interesting is widoro bukol (Ziziphus rotundifolia), neem (Azadirachta indica), and Pilang (Acacia leucophloea). Widoro bukol, neem, and Pilang is a plant that is able to adapt in a very dry conditions (still looked green), although other plants have withered and dry.
Other plants that like acid (Tamarindus indica), gadung (Dioscorea hispida), hazelnut (Aleurites moluccana), gebang (Corypha utan), api-api (Avicennia sp.), Kendal (Cordia obliqua), Burn (Syzygium polyanthum), and bulging (Sterculia foetida).

There are 26 species of mammals such as bison (Bos javanicus javanicus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak), deer (Cervus russa timorensis), leopards (Panthera pardus weld), deer (Tragulus pelandoc javanicus), and cat mangrove (Prionailurus viverrinus).
Animal bison is mascots / characteristic of Baluran National Park.
In addition, there are about 155 species of birds including rare such as flame kite (Hirundo Rustica), tuwuk / tuwur asia (Eudynamys scolopacea), peacock (Pavo muticus), red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus), kangkareng (Anthracoceros convecus ), hornbills (Buceros rhinoceros), and stork barrels (Leptoptilos javanicus)
In Hm. 80 bars - Bekol, there is an old well that became legends surrounding communities. The legend tells that the city of Banyuwangi, Bali and Baluran equally digging wells. If, wells in each city's first water out and flying the flag, meaning the city will be the central hustle / culture.

Some locations / attractions to visit:
Bullion. Looking at historical relics / sites of Japanese cave, tomb of the son of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, attractions peacock dances in the breeding season between October / November and camping. Facilities: information center and campground.
Bekol and Semiang. Observation of wildlife such as pheasant, peacock, deer, antelope, bison, wild buffalo, birds.
Existing facilities: researchers guesthouse, guest house, a tower of view.
Bama, Balanan, room. Marine tourism, fishing, diving / snorkeling, and a fight between a stag in July / August; and a pack of gray monkeys crab fishing / small crab with its tail at low tide.
Burn, Water Kacip. Sources of water that never dry throughout the year, the leopard habitat.
Popongan, Sejile, Sirontoh, Kalitopo. Boating on a calm sea, see the various types of ornamental fish, migratory birds observation.
Rainfall cry. Activities of rock climbing as high as 10-30 meters, with a slope of up to 85%.
Bang Temple, Labuan Merak, Kramat. Cultural tourism.
The best visiting season: March, s / d in August each year.
How to reach the location: Banyuwangi-bars with a distance of 35 km, which continued to Bekol with a time of 45 minutes (12 miles) or Situbondo-bars with a distance of 60 km using
the car.

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