Hot Springs Ciater

Hot springs are in several places, but the hot water in Ciater this feels different from the others because in addition arranged neatly also equipped with various facilities. Charm is the main attraction of this area is believed to contain sulfur which can cure many diseases. Based on experience, many visitors who come and soak in hot tubs the healing of various diseases such as paralysis, rheumatism, neurological disorders, bone and skin diseases.

This is because the source water contains sulfur, which is based on laboratory tests is an important element for the treatment of various diseases if done regularly. Also, results of analysis proved balneology, mineral hot springs that exist containing Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Sulfate, Thermo, Minerals, Hyperthe
rma with high levels of aluminum (38.5 equiv per cent) and high acidity of pH 2.45. The water after the river along the 2000 m to cool and used by residents for the purpose of irrigating rice fields. It is said that water can enhance the quality of the harvest from the use of plain water.

In addition to any other bathhouse facilities available quite complete, there is a playground for children, horse riding and wagon, souvenir shop, a golf driving range, fishing pond and there are also attractions of the weekend program: sheep agile, traditional dance performances sisingaan typical Subang District on the open stage, the stage dangdut, clowns and others. When asked to one of the staff there about the completeness of a very complete facilities have been answered, "this place has been promoted internationally, so that all facilities must be prepared even international level,". Indeed, when we visit there seen a lot of foreign tourists who go there, especially the tourists are visiting when the weekday, when the weekend is usually more domestic tourists

After the tour, we marched to the baths where bathing site is divided into several areas. Open areas are all people who have to pay entrance ticket does not cost more, but this open area to be passing people and the place was rocky so it is less so comfortable for relaxing. The second location is the location of an open pool with thermal water containing the sulfur. To get to this location each person will be charged Rp 15,000. By paying the money into it we could be more convenient for bathing as well as provided room for a rinse after bathing him the water containing sulfur. The third area is the VIP room where the hot water pools are divided into rooms closed and we could be free to bathe in it. To get into the VIP room, we charged a fee of Rp 20.000 including a soft drink - tea bottle, towel, shampoo and soap. We are most comfortable bath in these VIP rooms, relaxing bath in addition we can also really get to enjoy the fresh bath with hot water from nature without being distracted by others. VIP Room is in addition to existing hot water, also equipped with cold water from the faucet is already available as a rinse bath when we're satisfied. Temperature of hot water that ranged from the source (Mount Tangkuban Perahu) ranged between 44 degrees Celsius, but once flowed into the pool and into the bathrooms didalm hotels dropped to 37-40 degrees Celsius.


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