Ramayana Ballet, Drama in Typical Javanese Dance

Ramayana Ballet is the performing arts are beautiful, amazing and hard to compare. Performance is able to unite various Javanese arts such as dance, drama and music on one stage and one momentum to present the story of Ramayana, Valmiki's legendary epic written in Sanskrit.

The stor
y of Ramayana is sung on this show are similar to those carved on the temple of Prambanan. Like the fabled, Ramayana story carved on the most beautiful Hindu temple similar to the story in oral tradition in India. The road is long and suspenseful story is summarized in four plays or round, kidnapping Sinta, Anoman mission to Alengka, death Kumbakarna or Ravana, and Rama-Sinta reunion.

The whole story is presented in a series of dance movements performed by the beautiful dancers accompanied by gamelan music. You are invited to actually dissolve in the story and observe every movement of the dancers to know the story. No dialogue is spoken of the dancers, the only speakers are sinden depicting the storyline through the songs in the Java language with a distinctive voice.

The story begins when King Janaka held a contest to determine the companion Dewi Shinta (daughter) who eventually won Rama Wijaya. Followed by the adventures of Rama, Shinta and Rama's brother Laksmana in the forest named Dandaka. In the forest they met Ravana's wish to have them as the incarnation Shinta Dewi Widowati, a woman who has long sought.

To attract the attention of Shinta, Ravana change of his followers named Marica into Deer. The effort was successful because Shinta was captivated and asked Rama to chase the deer. Rama after long search Laksama not come back while Shinta abandoned and given a magic circle of protection so that Ravana could kidnap. Protection because it failed after Ravana abducted Shinta successfully transform themselves into the figure of Drona.

At the end of the story, Shinta been won back from Ravana by Hanuman, the monkey figure agile and powerful. But when brought back, Rama Shinta just do not believe anymore and regard has been tarnished. To prove the sanctity of self, Shinta asked to burn his body. Purity of Shinta proven because his body did not burn anything but she became more beautiful. Rama was finally accepted back as a wife.

You will not be disappointed if this excellent performance because not only dance and music are being prepared. Lighting is prepared in such a way that not only the rays that dumb, but is able to describe certain events in the story. So did the makeup on each dancer, not only beautify but also able to describe the character played by character so the audience can easily recognize even though there was no dialogue.

You also can find not only dance, but also scenes of interest such as fireball game acrobatics and agility of a dancer. A charming fire ball game can be found Hanuman originally typed will be burned alive just managed to burn Ravana's kingdom Alengkadiraja. While the stunt could be found when the followers of Hanuman fought with Ravana. The game was about to fire when Shinta burn itself is also interesting to watch.

In Yogyakarta, there are two places to watch Ramayana Ballet. First, in Purawisata Yogyakarta, located at Jalan Brig Katamso, east of the Sultan's Palace. In a place that had a record-breaking Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) in 2002 after staging the ballet every day without fail for 25 years, you'll get the dinner package at once to see ballet. Place of watching the other is in Prambanan Temple, the place of the original Ramayana story carved on temple reliefs


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